Oasis Kids

Your First Visit
We love helping children develop a genuine love for Jesus, building their lives on the truth of God's Word, connecting in meaningful friendships, and discovering their purpose at a young age.
Our team will be waiting at the first-time check-in station where you can tell us a little about your family. To prepare ahead of time, you can fill out the Pre-Check in Form. Check out times and our location to join us for a Sunday service.

Oasis Lil' Kids
Infants through 2 years old
Age-appropriate toys to special service elements just for them
Oasis Kids (3 years - 5th)
3 - 5 years olds and Kindergarten through 5th
Worship, Scripture memorization, and Biblical teaching in Small Groups
Ages 3 through 13
Kids gather together for Bible teaching, worship, announcements, and awards.

Meet the Team

Mindy Flanagan
Children's Director

Jack and Chanel Walsh
AWANA Directors

Kenny McCoy
Oasis Kids Leader